Been Waiting For You So Long

The moment of lifting an apron promises tension. In many cases, the Protagonist is left alone and is waiting for something or someone. That can be danger or a threat, pleasure or tenderness. Scenes in which aprons are used for gestural expressions connect — some of them are doubled, and/or change speed for an easier analysis. The closer the better. 


© KGP Filmproduktion


Arnhem Mode Biënnale (Arnhem, Niederlande)
Another Experiment by Women Film Festival (New York, USA)
WOMEN's NIGHT der Anthonology Film Archives (New York, USA)
UNDERDOX (München, Deutschland)
Open Air Filmfest Weiterstadt (Weiterstadt, Deutschland)
Film Mutations: Festival of Invisible Cinema (Zagreb, Kroatien)

Créteil International Women's Film Festival (Créteil, Frankreich)
Instants Vidéo Numériques et Poétiques (Jobin, Frankreich)

Busan International Short Film Festival (Busan, Südkorea)

filmbase (Dublin, Irland)